Invest in the fastest growing economy of Canada

If you are a business person or manager looking to immigrate to Canada, the Canadian federal and provincial governments offer a number of options that may allow you to fast-track the Canadian immigration process.

Through Canada’s Business Class immigration programs, Canada aims to attract individuals that have a significant ability to contribute to the Canadian economy. These programs are offered with the goal of promoting economic development and bettering the job market by attracting investors, entrepreneurs, and self-employed individuals from outside Canada with available venture capital, significant business acumen, and entrepreneurial skills.

Ontario Immigration Nominee Program (OINP)

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program’s Entrepreneur Stream is designed to attract & support entrepreneurs, and high net worth individuals to establish new business in Canada and/or buy an existing business in the province of Ontario. The entrepreneur streams grants Work Permit status initially. It can then be converted into Permanent Residency status upon fulfillment of Performance Agreement conditions upon submission of final report after 18 months of establishing business.

Eligibility Conditions:

  • Must have either 2 years of active management in business with ownership at least 33.33% share with in last 5 years OR 2 years of senior management experience within last 5 years from the date of application submission
  • For net worth requirement for this program, there are two options available for Applicant; i.e. either,

    a) With net worth of at least CAD 800,000 for investment proposal within Greater Toronto Area (GTA) or
    b) A net worth of at least CAD 400,000 for investment proposal outside GTA

  • However, should the proposed business investment is related to Information and Communication Technology (ICT)/ Digital Communication (DC) sector, a CAD 400,000 of net worth availability may allow an applicant to invest inside GTA
  • in case, applicant intends to purchase an existing business in Ontario, he/ she must make a visit to Ontario

Investment Requirement:

  • A proposal of minimum investment of at least CAD 600,000 in GTA or $200,000 outside GTA must be made. However, should the proposed business investment is related to Information and Communication Technology (ICT)/ Digital Communication (DC) sector, an investment of at least CAD 200,000 may allow an applicant to invest inside GTA
  • The proposed business plan must demonstrate ability to create two jobs for business established in GTA or one job for business located outside GTA
  • Selection of applicant is based on points calculated on various factors including applicant’s age, his/ her business ownership and/ or past management experience, net worth position, language test results and proposed investment level

Additional Factors:

With following additional factors, applicant will have an advantage in selection of his application;

  • Post-Secondary or higher diploma/degree
  • English language test with score of at least CLB 5 or equivalent

Eligible Family Members

  • Principal Applicant
  • Spouse
  • Children below the age of 22 years

Citizenship Requirements

  • Permanent resident are required to physically present in Canada for at least 1,095 days in the last 5 years
  • Adults are also required to write a citizenship test and provide proof of adequate English ability
  • Children under 18 are usually granted citizenship upon one of their parents becoming a citizen
  • Children over 18 must fulfill citizenship requirements


The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program is designed for businessmen and senior executives who intend to settle in the Canadian province of Manitoba. The visa that is issued is a Temporary Work Permit (TWP) visa. It is valid for two years which leads to your permanent residency status upon complying with the Business Performance Agreement with the Government of Manitoba.

Eligibility Conditions:

  • Minimum Net worth should be CAD 500,000
  • Must have at least 3 years in the last 5 years of business ownership and active management experience in a successful business having at least 33.33% ownership share therein OR at least 3 years in last 5 years of Executive-Level experience as senior manager of a successful business having none or less than 33.33% ownership share therein
  • At least high school or equivalent level of education
  • Must give language test with minimum score of CLB 5 or equivalent.

Other Requirement:

    • While internet-based research may be a useful tool to obtain preliminary and general information, an in-person exploratory visit is essential for applicant to conduct in-depth business research, which is critical to his/ her business plan and future success in Manitoba
    • A proposal of minimum investment of at least CAD 250,000 in the Manitoba Capital Region or CAD 150,000 in rural Manitoba must be made
    • Selection of applicant is based on points calculated on various factors including applicant’s age, his/ her business ownership and/ or past management experience, net worth position, language test results and proposed investment level

Citizenship Requirements:

  • Permanent resident are required to physically present in Canada for at least 1,095 days in the last 5 years
  • Adults are also required to write a citizenship test and provide proof of adequate English ability
  • Children under 18 are usually granted citizenship upon one of their parents becoming a citizen
  • Children over 18 must fulfill citizenship requirements

Eligible Family Members

  • Principal Applicant
  • Spouse
  • Children below the age of 22 years


The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) for experienced entrepreneurs can provide an alternate means of entry into Canada. The visa that is issued is a Temporary Work Permit (TWP) which is valid for two years. TWP may lead to permanent residency status upon complying with the Business Performance Agreement (BPA) executed with the Government of Saskatchewan

Eligibility Conditions:

  • Minimum Net worth should be CAD 500,000
  • Must have at least 3 years in the last 10 years of Business management or entrepreneurial experience in a business ownership share therein
  • A proposal of minimum investment of at least CAD 300,000 in the Regina or Saskatoon or $200,000 in any other community must be made
  • The proposed business must create 2 new jobs if proposed business is in the Regina or Saskatoon. However, there is no job creation requirement in other communities of that province.